Nondestructive Testing of Concrete Structures


Nondestructive testing (NDT) of metals is an integral part of the oil and gas, petrochemical, chemical, and process industries. There are well-established methods, codes, and standards within these industries that focus on the NDT of metals to ensure the integrity of piping, vessels, and other equipment. However, there is generally less familiarity in the industry with NDT methods used on concrete structures, despite the prevalence of concrete structures in these facilities. Because NDT methods for concrete are generally less known in these industries, they are less likely to be utilized in the inspection and evaluation of concrete structures.

In this article, structural engineers Daniel Pearson, Joshua White, and Ariel Suselo cover three concrete NDT methods and present additional considerations for the use of these NDT methods within process facilities. Four brief case studies are presented that highlight the use of these NDT methods in the evaluation of concrete structures in process facilities.

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