NEWS | June 3, 2024
Ozog to Serve on NFPA Research Project

Fire protection engineer Nick Ozog has been selected to serve as a member of the Project Technical Panel for a new Fire Protection Research Foundation (FPRF) project supporting the National Fire Protection Association. This project, "Update of Fire Hazards of Exterior Wall Assemblies Containing Combustible Components," is an expected ten-month effort funded by various major property insurance interests. The FPRF will lead the effort in partnership with the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, an Australian government agency that works with leading organizations worldwide.
The panel will work together to update the existing research report, "Exterior Fire Hazards of Exterior Wall Systems Containing Combustible Components." This work will further inform the technical bases for evaluation, testing, and fire mitigation strategies and expand the report to include additional countries, new case studies, and research. The panel will provide input and guidance to the research team, review, and comment on the final report and deliverables from the effort.
The hazards associated with combustible materials in exterior wall construction remain a concern in the fire protection community. Nick was asked to serve on the panel in recognition of his previous work and expertise with this technology.
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