Since joining WJE in 1997, Julie Yang has investigated hundreds of construction and material problems, specializing in repairs, preservation, and design and construction phase services. She has participated in the cleaning and restoration of many notable commercial, residential, pharmaceutical, and institutional buildings, working with facade materials that include limestone, terra cotta, brick, and cast stone. For many of these projects, Ms. Yang also participated in field observation of repairs.
Prior to joining WJE, Ms. Yang worked with architectural design firms, where she was responsible for programming, existing conditions documentation and evaluation, code studies, design, construction document preparation, model building, and construction administration. Significant projects included the restoration of the New Jersey Governor’s Mansion, the Old Graduate College at Princeton University, and a variety of other design projects for private residences, marinas, day care facilities, educational facilities and dormitories, and commercial structures.
Building Envelope Assessment
- 745 Fifth Avenue - New York, NY: Masonry failure investigation
- Bell Telephone Building - Philadelphia, PA: Terra cotta failure investigation
- Columbia University - New York, NY: Roof and facade evaluations and repairs on sixty-plus residential buildings; repair designs, construction documents, and construction observation
- Princeton University Art Museum - Princeton, NJ: Exterior envelope repairs
- Curé of Ars - Merrick, NY: Cast stone failure
Construction Documents and Specifications
- 400 West 119th Street - New York, NY: Masonry restoration and cleaning
- 610 West 116th Street - New York, NY: Terra cotta restoration; decorative ironwork repairs
- Glaxo Smith-Kline - Research Triangle, NC: Composite panel investigation
- Glaxo Smith-Kline - Upper Providence, PA: Masonry failure investigation
- Merck - Rahway, NJ: Masonry failure investigation
Historic Preservation
- 230 Park Avenue - New York, NY: Restoration and patination of bronze facade panels
- 410 Riverside Drive - New York, NY: Terra cotta gable restoration
- Newark International Airport - Newark, NJ: Concrete and masonry finish conservation
- Kodak Tower - Rochester, NY: Terra cotta and masonry restoration
- American Museum of Natural History - New York, NY: Rehabilitation of historic windows
- Rhode Island Hall at Brown University - Providence, RI: Stucco adhesion failure investigation
Repair and Rehabilitation Design
- Deal Lake Tower - Asbury Park, NJ: Masonry and concrete repairs
- Lord & Taylor - New York, NY: Masonry investigation; window replacement
- Friends School - Philadelphia, PA: Masonry and roof repairs
- Saks Fifth Avenue - New York, NY: Sidewalk and vault investigation and replacement
Professional Affiliations
Association for Preservation Technology International (APT)
ASTM International
Rhode Island School of Design
Bachelor of Fine Arts, 1987
Bachelor of Architecture, 1988
Clients turn to us when they need a firm that fully understands the aesthetic and functional... MORE >Services | Building Enclosures
WJE professionals have successfully diagnosed and solved problems in thousands of building facades MORE >Services | Facade Assessment
Our professionals balance the need to provide practical, long-term solutions with the ability to... MORE >Services | Historic Preservation