Since joining WJE in 2018, Francisco Peña has gained experience in the investigation and analysis of a variety of structures and building components. Dr. Peña is a certified drone pilot who has been involved with numerous projects that include historic preservation, facade investigation, structural investigation, analysis, and repair. He has experience with many construction materials including wood, concrete, steel, single-ply roofing, built-up roofing, and waterproofing. Dr. Peña’s responsibilities have included condition assessments of existing buildings, drone surveys, water testing, structural testing, developing reports, designing repairs, and performing construction period services.
Historic Preservation
- Indiana War Memorial - Indianapolis: Building limestone facade and waterproofing evaluation and repair
- Indiana War Memorial Commission - Indianapolis: Facility assessment for maintenance, preservation, and capital improvement needs
Difficult Access and Drone Survey
- Indiana War Memorial - Indianapolis: Drone survey for facade assessment
- Best Brands Warehouse - Nashville, TN: Tornado damage investigation
- First Horizon Park - Nashville, TN: Tornado damage investigation
- Roof Investigations - Multiple Locations, IN and FL: Hurricane, tornado, and hail damage investigations
- NorthCap Center - Nashville, TN: Facade assessment with Gigapan high-definition imagery
Structural Analysis/Computer Applications
- Kentucky Utilities Company - Ghent, KY: Fire damage investigation
- Purdue University, Mackey Arena - West Lafayette, IN: Structural analysis for new scoreboard
- Scripps Building - Cincinnati, OH: Floor capacity evaluation and travel path design for heavy equipment installation
Failure and Damage Investigation
- Lee High School - Wyoming, MI: Evaluation of structural members after roof collapse
- East Penn Facility - Whitehall, OH: Pallet rack collapse
- Structure Evaluation of Tornado Damage - Nashville, TN: First Horizon Park, Best Brands Warehouse, Stoner Creek Elementary School; and Dayton, OH: Dayton Phoenix Facility, Brookville High School, Grafton Kennedy Elementary, and Woodland Hills Apartments
Structural Load Testing
- Capital Center Building - Indianapolis, IN: Design, evaluation, and certification of existing and new dedicated roof anchorages for facade access equipment
- BMO Plaza - Indianapolis, IN: Testing and certification of existing dedicated roof anchorages for facade access equipment
Condition Evaluation
- City of Dayton Facilities - Dayton, OH: Tornado damage investigation
- Purdue University, Ross-Ade Stadium - West Lafayette, IN: Steel grandstand structure assessment
- Indiana University, Jordan Hall - Bloomington: Building enclosure and greenhouse assessment
- The Salvation Army, Various Buildings - Midwest U.S.: Structure and building enclosure assessment
Construction Observation and Troubleshooting
- Ford Motor Company Building - Indianapolis, IN: Construction observation for building rehabilitation
- Indiana War Memorial - Indianapolis: Construction observation for facade rehabilitation
Instrumentation and Monitoring/Seismic Engineering
- Dynamic identification of structures *
- Sensor deployment and data acquisition *
- Design and implementation of control devices (passive, semiactive, and active) *
- Real-time hybrid simulation *
* Indicates with previous firm
Professional Affiliations
American Society of Civil Engineers
Indiana Structural Engineers Association, secretary
FAA Licensed Remote Pilot
Professional Engineer in IN
Universidad del Valle
Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering, 2011
Purdue University
Master of Science, Civil Engineering, 2015
Doctor of Philosophy, Civil Engineering, 2019
We employ our industrial rope access team or drone capabilities to provide clients a solution to... MORE >Services | Difficult Access and Drone Survey
Thousands of clients have relied on us to accurately determine the cause and extent of damage... MORE >Services | Failure and Damage Investigation
We work with owners, project architects and engineers, and contractors to execute successful... MORE >Services | Construction Observation and Troubleshooting