Deborah Slaton specializes in historic preservation and materials conservation. She has served as principal investigator and author/coauthor of numerous Historic Structure Reports, Cultural Landscape Reports, and planning documents for National Register-listed properties and National Historic Landmarks. She has also served as an author and coauthor of multiple National Register nominations. She meets the Secretary of the Interior’s Professional Qualifications Standards for architectural history and history and has published and lectured extensively on historic preservation and materials conservation. Ms. Slaton is editor of the proceedings of several national historic preservation conferences, author of National Park Service Preservation Brief No. 43: Preparation and Use of Historic Structure Reports, and coauthor of Preservation Brief No. 15: Preservation of Historic Concrete. She received the Society of Architectural Historians Award for Preservation Advocacy and Stewardship of the Built Environment in 2018.
- Blue Ridge Parkway - NC and VA: Historic resource survey and assessment for buildings, structures, bridges, and tunnels; Cultural Landscape Reports for Peaks of Otter and Humpback Rocks; National Register nomination for Flat Top Estate (Moses H. Cone Memorial Park)
- Chagall Mosaic, Les Quatre Saisons - Chicago, IL: Condition assessment, cleaning, and restoration of public art
- Cumberland Gap National Historical Park - TN and VA: Determination of eligibility and Cultural Landscape Report for Chadwell Gap Coal Mining Historic District
- Dry Tortugas National Park - FL: National Register nomination
- Everglades National Park - FL: Cultural Landscape Inventories and Historic Structure Reports for Flamingo Developed Area, HM-69 Nike Missile Base, and Shark Valley Tower
- Fort Pulaski National Monument - Savannah, GA: Historic Structure Reports for Fort Pulaski, Battery Hambright, Mission 66 Visitor Center, an d West End Bunkers; Structural Monitoring Study for Fort Pulaski (in progress)
- Mammoth Cave National Park - KY: Historic Structure Report for superintendent’s residence; Cultural Landscape Reports for Mammoth Cave Historic District and Core Visitor Services Area; National Register additional documentation
- Martin Luther King, Jr., National Historical Park - Atlanta, GA: Historic Structure Reports for nine structures; Cultural Landscape Report
- Miami Marine Stadium - FL: Investigation, concrete repair, and cleaning design for modern historic stadium
- North Shore Congregation Israel - Glencoe, IL: Investigation, concrete repair, and cleaning design for modern historic synagogue
- Pensacola Harbor Defense Project - Gulf Islands National Seashore, FL: National Register nomination; Historic Structure Reports for mining support structures, Battery 234 CFS/BCS Tower, Battery Langdon, and Battery Cullum-Sevier (with conceptual repair design); Cultural Landscape Report for Fort Pickens and Battery Pensacola (in progress)
- San Juan National Historic Site - San Juan, PR: Historic Structure Report for Quarters 208; Cultural Landscape Reports for El Morro Esplanade and Historic City Wall; Historic Structure Report for San Cristóbal (in progress)
- Salk Institute - La Jolla, CA: Conservation Master Plan; design for restoration of concrete and teak facades
- Timucuan Ecological and Historic Preserve - FL: National Register nomination for Kingsley Plantation; Cultural Landscape Report for Spanish American War Battery; Historic Structure Reports for multiple historic structures (in progress)
- University of Georgia: Historic Preservation Master Plan for historic resources statewide
Professional Affiliations
American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works
Association for Preservation Technology International, Fellow
Historic Preservation Education Foundation, director
Society of Architectural Historians
Northwestern University
Bachelor of Arts, Art History, 1975
University of Illinois at Chicago
Master of Arts, English, Program for Writers, 1976
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Master of Architecture, Architectural Engineering, 1982
Overview of Historic Structure Reports and related studies, the benefits to having one, and the... MORE >Webinars | Historic Structure Reports: Resources for Stewardship
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