Since joining WJE in 2010, Daniel Wetherington has worked on a variety of projects. His experience includes strain, force, displacement, vibration, temperature and humidity instrumentation and monitoring; nondestructive evaluation (NDE) of concrete structures using ground penetrating radar, impact-echo, ultrasonic pulse velocity, and impulse-response methods; and field and laboratory testing of structural elements. Prior to working at WJE, Mr. Wetherington had nine years of experience setting up instrumentation and running custom tests in both laboratory and field environments.
Instrumentation/Monitoring/Load Testing
- Rush University Medical Center - Chicago, IL: Moisture testing on both lightweight and normal weight concrete slabs in new hospital addition
- Chase Tower - Chicago, IL: Strain gaging of house rig support columns
- IH 345 - Dallas, TX: Instrumentation of bridge girders to verify analytical models
- Davit and tieback testing for OSHA CFR1926.502 compliance
Nondestructive Evaluation
- I-29 Approach Slabs: Assessment of presence and severity of voiding under bridge approach slabs after 2010 flooding of the Missouri River
- Silver Spring Transit Center - Silver Spring, MD: Assessment of as-constructed reinforcement in post-tensioned structure
- I-270 - Granite City, IL: Assessment of newly placed slip-formed barrier walls for flaws using multiple NDE methods
Vibration and Noise Monitoring
- Enbridge 68 Pipeline - IN: protection of in-service oil pipeline during pile driving operations
- University of Chicago - IL: Protection of sensitive structures during demolition/renovation work on campus
Laboratory Evaluations
- ASTM C666 - Testing of concrete materials for resistance to freeze/thaw
- ASTM C469 - Modulus of Elasticity testing of concrete cores
- ASTM C1583 - Tensile strength of concrete surfaces and the bond strength of concrete repair and overlay materials by direct tension
- ICC-ES AC308 - Post-installed adhesive anchor qualification testing
Professional Affiliations
American Concrete Institute (ACI)
ACI Certified Adhesive Anchor Installation Inspector
ICRI Slab Moisture Testing Technician
Excelsior College
Bachelor of Arts, World Language and Literature (Spanish), 2007
Learn how we use GPR to detect voids MORE >Videos | Solving for Why: Detecting Voids in Slabs with Ground Penetrating Radar
WJE's Janney Technical Center (JTC) provides advanced testing and forensic capabilities to... MORE >Labs | Janney Technical Center
We engage a full suite of state-of-the-art instrumentation and monitoring capabilities to test... MORE >Services | Instrumentation and Monitoring
We have pioneered the use of nondestructive evaluation methods—such as ground penetrating... MORE >Services | Nondestructive Evaluation