Corinna Slater Olvera has worked on projects involving nondestructive testing, failure investigation, condition assessment, and construction period services. Her work has included a wide range of structures such as bridges, parking structures, residential, and historic buildings.
Ms. Slater Olvera has experience in the application of nondestructive evaluation techniques for concrete and masonry structures. She is a practitioner in the fields of ground penetrating radar, impact echo, ultrasonic shear wave tomography, and ultrasonic pulse velocity.
Nondestructive Evaluation
- IN SR23 Bridge - South Bend, IN: Nondestructive evaluation of prestressed concrete beams with ultrasonic methods
- Washington University Parking Garage - St. Louis, MO: Nondestructive evaluation of cast-in-place concrete girder with ultrasonic methods
- Bastrop Oxidation Tank - Bastrop, TX: Nondestructive evaluation of concrete tank with ultrasonic methods
- Kaiser Permanente Hospital - San Marcos, CA: Nondestructive evaluation of concrete retaining wall with ultrasonic methods
- Concrete Bridge - Orange County, CA: Nondestructive evaluation of concrete bridge with ultrasonic and electromagnetic methods
- Concrete Bridge - Los Angeles, CA: Nondestructive evaluation of concrete bridge with ultrasonic and electromagnetic methods
- Salt Lake City Airport Parking Garage - UT: Nondestructive evaluation of concrete columns and beams with ultrasonic methods
Concrete Structures
- Port of Houston - TX: Structural condition assessment of concrete wharf structures
- Macy’s South Coast Plaza Parking Garage - Costa Mesa, CA: Structural condition assessment of parking structure and repair documents
- City of Pasadena - CA: Structural condition assessment of nine parking structures
- Crown Plaza Redondo Beach Parking Garage - CA: Structural condition assessment and repair documents
Historic Preservation
- Mary E. Gearing Hall - Austin, TX: Historic masonry and wood window condition assessment
- Tomochichi Tower - Savannah, GA: Nondestructive evaluation of historic mass masonry tower
- Los Angeles National Cemetery - CA: Historic masonry, stucco, plaster, window, and concrete assessment and repair documents
- Founders Church of Religious Science - Los Angeles, CA: Building enclosure assessment of circa 1960 cast-in-place concrete facade
- Hotel Green Apartments - Pasadena, CA: Historic stucco and wood window condition assessment
- Veterans Affairs National Cemeteries - Southern California: Condition assessment of historic plaques and monuments at five national cemeteries
Condition Evaluation
- El Nuevo Amanecer Apartments - Los Angeles, CA: Fire damage investigation at concrete podium structure
- Wood Structure - Los Angeles, CA: Glued laminated wood roof collapse investigation and structural analysis
- Harbor Pointe Apartment Complex - Dana Point, CA: Condition assessment of exterior wood balconies and repair documents
Structural Evaluation
- Texas Capitol Building - Austin: As-built survey of historic wrought iron trusses and structural analysis
- Adams Building - Port Arthur, TX: As-built survey of circa 1926 concrete structure and structural analysis
- One Santa Fe - Los Angeles, CA: Water damage investigation and structural evaluation of glued laminated wood beams
Professional Affiliations
American Concrete Institute (ACI)
Professional Engineer in TX
Georgia Institute of Technology
Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering, 2017
Stanford University
Master of Science, Structural Engineering, 2019
We have pioneered the use of nondestructive evaluation methods—such as ground penetrating... MORE >Services | Nondestructive Evaluation
Our professionals balance the need to provide practical, long-term solutions with the ability to... MORE >Services | Historic Preservation
We apply the lessons learned from more than 175,000 projects to provide clients with a full... MORE >Services | Condition Evaluation
When the integrity or condition of a structure is in question, clients rely on us for answers MORE >Services | Structural Engineering