Anna Quinn has been involved in the condition assessment, structural evaluation, and repair design of concrete and steel structures. She has experience in assessing and evaluating finishing-related defects and problems associated with new concrete construction, as well as performing various concrete and steel structural failure investigations. Ms. Quinn prepares construction documents involving repair designs and has experience utilizing destructive and nondestructive testing techniques.
Prior to joining WJE, Ms. Quinn worked as a graduate research assistant at Auburn University, where she studied the effects of vehicular braking in highway bridge substructures for typical Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT) short-span bridges. She created an analytical model to determine the shear force in the substructure and calibrated the model to static pull tests and dynamic braking tests conducted on a short-span bridge typical of ALDOT construction.
Structural Evaluation
- Refinery - Port Arthur, TX: Assessment of existing structures for wind load capacity
- Governmental Facility - Houston, TX: Visual assessment of structural steel framing for potential overload
- Multistory Building - Houston, TX: Structural steel bracing design
- Hyatt Regency - Houston, TX: Assessment of structural steel pool framing
Repair and Rehabilitation Design
- Various Parking Garages - Houston, TX: Concrete repairs of impacted double-tee stems
- Chemical Plant - Pasadena, TX: Concrete repair design of reformer foundation
- Marathon Oil Tower - Houston, TX: Shear strengthening repair design for adaptive reuse of a post-tensioned and conventionally reinforced parking garage
Failure/Damage Investigation
- Governmental Facility - Houston, TX: Investigation and structural analysis related to a roof collapse
- Tilt-Wall Building - Houston, TX: Investigation, analysis, and repair design related to partial roof collapse
- Reinforced Concrete Bridge Foundation - Houston, TX: Damage assessment and repair design related to construction damage
- Airport Terminal - Houston, TX: Structural assessment and repair design related to a partial structural collapse
Construction Materials Assessment
- El Rio Buildings B and D - Houston, TX: Evaluation and recommendations for damages caused by concrete slab moisture
- Houston Methodist Clear Lake Hospital - Nassau Bay, TX: Evaluation and recommendations for distress in terrazzo flooring caused by concrete slab moisture
- Lonestar Corrosion Services - Houston, TX: Evaluation of concrete site paving
- Custom Car Cool - Houston, TX: Evaluation of concrete site paving
Construction Troubleshooting
- Cy-Fair Volunteer Fire Department - Houston, TX: Evaluation of concrete slab delaminations
- United Technical Operations Center - Houston, TX: Evaluation of concrete slab delaminations
- Educational and Hospital Buildings - Various Locations, TX: Preconstruction concrete flatwork consulting
Bridges and Civil Infrastructure
- Various Vehicular Bridges - AL and TX: Initial, routine, and in-depth condition assessments
- Various Bridge and Roadway Construction - Harris County, TX: Assessments of concrete pavement cracking, structural assessments of bridge components, and development of repair documents
- In-Service Bridges - Dallas, TX and Houston, TX: Routine inspections of numerous bridges and retaining walls
Nondestructive Evaluation
- Existing Segmental Bridge - Houston, TX: Structural monitoring and instrumentation
- Facility Paving and Flatwork Surveys - Various Locations, TX
- New Bridge Construction - Harris County, TX: Bent cap survey for identifying reinforcing configuration/cover
Professional Affiliations
American Concrete Institute
Structural Engineers Association of Texas
ARSC Basic Orientation Plus
OSHA 10-Hour Construction
Professional Engineer in TX
Auburn University
Bachelor of Civil Engineering, 2017
Master of Science, Civil Engineering, 2019
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