Andrew Doane is a computer-aided design and drafting specialist who works with the company’s other design professionals to develop repair documents for various projects. His areas of expertise include the design, production, and plotting/transmission of project drawings and electronic files used by clients and contractors during the execution of repair work. Mr. Doane maintains a library of typical repair details prepared with computer-aided design software and helps implement computer drafting standards within WJE.
Mr. Doane also has expertise in facade rehabilitation and structural evaluation. He has identified and documented deterioration on numerous masonry and concrete facades, often while completing critical examinations of building walls. During facade repair projects, he has inspected the quality of work and determined repair quantities. In addition to facade work, Mr. Doane has completed numerous parking garage inspections, as well as evaluations of wood trusses and steel joists in various buildings.
Before joining WJE in 2002, Mr. Doane worked for a structural design firm in Chicago. He designed wood, concrete, and steel structures for many residential and small commercial projects throughout the city, using computer-aided design software to produce the drawings.
Computer-Aided Design and Drafting
- Virginia Commonwealth University - Richmond: Preparation of drawings showing the installation of steel beam and steel bar reinforcing at concrete decks on multiple campus parking garages
- Commonwealth Plaza Condominiums - Chicago, IL: Preparation of concrete repair and waterproofing drawings for plaza repair
- Herrera Law Center - Chicago, IL: Preparation of plans, elevations, and details describing wood bowstring roof truss repairs
Masonry Restoration
- City Hall Square Apartments - Milwaukee, WI: Identification of facade deterioration, preparation of repair specifications, and observation of repairs at historic brick structures
- Northwestern University, Montgomery Ward Memorial Building - Chicago, IL: Identification of stone facade deterioration and inspection of limestone repairs
Concrete Structures
- Sheraton Chicago Hotel and Towers - IL: Observation of concrete and sealant repairs at the exterior facade
- Solomon Schechter Day School - Northbrook, IL: Inspection of parking garage and courtyard deterioration of concrete surfaces; repair observation
Structural Evaluation
- Major Restaurant Chain - Nationwide U.S.: Inspection and analysis of wood roof trusses and preparation of repair documents for damaged trusses
- Major Retail Chain - Nationwide U.S.: Inspection and structural analysis to check adequacy of welds at steel roof joists
Facade Assessment
- 303 West Madison - Chicago, IL: Identification of exterior window and stone panel deterioration, preparation of repair specifications and repair sketches, and measurement of repairs
- State Place Condominiums - Chicago, IL: Critical and visual examinations of exterior concrete and masonry facades
University of Michigan
Bachelor of Science, Architecture, 1995
Bachelor of Arts, English, 1995
Purdue University
Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering (Structures), 2000
Our professionals deliver practical repair and rehabilitation services that maximize the... MORE >Services | Repair and Rehabilitation
WJE professionals have successfully diagnosed and solved problems in thousands of building facades MORE >Services | Facade Assessment
Clients turn to us when they need a firm that fully understands the aesthetic and functional... MORE >Services | Building Enclosures
We understand the myriad challenges faced by building owners and managers, and we're committed... MORE >Markets | Buildings