Marine Infrastructure

Through a deep understanding of structural behavior and the performance of materials, WJE evaluates and addresses structural and materials problems in a variety of maritime assets. We take a hands-on, investigative approach to develop long-lasting, cost-efficient solutions.
WJE engineers and materials scientists use their expertise to properly design, construct, and maintain critical infrastructure assets of all types and sizes. Our experts work closely with maritime infrastructure owners or as significant contributors to collaborative joint-venture design efforts to verify that future capital investments are put to the best possible use and that risks are minimized.
- Structural assessment
- Repair and rehabilitation design
- Wharf restoration
- Service life modeling
- Marine load rating
- Corrosion assessment
- Materials evaluation and testing
- Load testing and instrumentation
- Advanced structural analysis
- Cathodic protection design
- Nondestructive evaluation
The expansion of the Panama Canal was completed in June 2016 after nine years of construction.... MORE >Articles | Barbours Cut Terminal: Container Port Wharf Expansion Design
Demos of three corrosion evaluation methods MORE >Videos | Solving for Why: Corrosion Evaluation of Reinforced Concrete
WJE is a leader in durability assessment services for reinforced concrete structures MORE >Services | Corrosion Assessment and Service Life Evaluation (WJE CASLEā¢)
WJE draws upon decades of experience to accurately identify and decipher conditions present and... MORE >Services | Asset Management
We have pioneered the use of nondestructive evaluation methods—such as ground penetrating... MORE >Services | Nondestructive Evaluation
When the integrity or condition of a structure is in question, clients rely on us for answers MORE >Services | Structural Engineering
Our professionals deliver practical repair and rehabilitation services that maximize the... MORE >Services | Repair and Rehabilitation
WJE's Janney Technical Center (JTC) provides advanced testing and forensic capabilities to... MORE >Labs | Janney Technical Center